The SMB Community Podcast

Hosted ByKarl W. Palachuk

Podcasts for IT consultants and managed service providers in the SMB Community.


Karl W. Palachuk has been an IT Consultant since 1995 and is one of the pioneers of the managed services business model. He is the author of twenty books, most of which are also available as audio books.

He is the founder of the Small Biz Thoughts Community and maintains several blogs, including Small Biz Thoughts and Relax Focus Succeed.

Karl has owned several small businesses, including two very successful Managed Service companies in Sacramento, CA. He received his first Microsoft certification in 1995 and his first MCSE in 1999. He was an active, hands-on Systems Engineer until January of 2017.

Amy Babinchak is the owner of three IT related businesses: Harbor Computer Services, Third Tier, and Sell My MSP. She has been working in the small and medium business IT field for more than 20 years. Amy is a technical person with advanced skills in networking design, management, and implementation. She values technology for what it does for people and the success it brings to business.

Amy is also a Microsoft MVP for 14 years. She has received numerous leadership awards and is a valued member of various boards. She is a member of the executive council of the Managed Services community at CompTia.

James Kernan is the author of the 36 Month Millionaire Program, and recently published books, Leadership Essentials for Successful Executives and Business Tips. For the past 12 years, James has served as a Principal Consultant for Kernan Consulting and provides Coaching, Advising and Mentoring programs to entrepreneurs and leaders.

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All Episodes

How to Effectively Communicate Your Brand Story to Generate Leads

Host James Kernan interviews Sarah Hansen on Social Media Marketing. Sarah runs Hansen Collective, a firm that uses online marketing expertise to help both international and domestic clients, while also fostering a community and educating her audience…

Manuel Palachuk and the “IT Confidential”

Karl interviews Manuel Palachuk, author and coach. Manuel is introducing a new kind of interactive event call The IT Confidential. See . The new venture is a bit like a webinar/podcast with a major twist: A live audience. The goal is to take a hard…

Chris Timm’s New Book: PSA Profitability

Karl caught up with Chris Timm from Sondela Consulting. Chris has a long history in the SMB IT community. He is a former MSP owner and spent a few years at Autotask. Today Chris is a coach and thought leader around making the most of your PSA. He runs…

Using LinkedIn to Generate Leads for MSPs

Using LinkedIn to Generate Leads for MSPs with Nathaniel Freedman, Tech Pro Marketing Karl interviews Nathaniel Freedman, CEO of Tech Pro Marketing. As Nate says: You don’t want marketing help from just anyone — you want it from someone who is…

Erick Simpson on Remote Sales – an Opportunity more than a Challenge

Karl caught up with coach Erick Simpson (). He works with a lot of partners, and we talk about what partners are experiencing as the extended “work from home” world evolves. Luckily, many IT service providers are thriving and doing well helping their…

VAR’s 1-Stop Connectivity Service Fuels Growth

Karl interviews Ben Niernberg from MNJ Technologies. MNJ is an MSP that also helps other MSPs resell phone services and Internet connectivity. Ben currently oversees all sales, marketing, services and vendor management relations for MNJ Technologies….

The State of Insurance in the IT Industry

Host Amy Babinchak interviews Josh Barker from TechRug (the Technology Risk Underwriting Group). Their topic is: The Insurance Landscape for MSP’s. Amy starts out with the big question: What’s up with the big price increases? Is it all ransomware? And…

Turning Leads into Prospects and Prospects into Clients

I caught up with Paul Green again, from Paul Green’s MSP Marketing. One of the first things Pauls says is that you can’t really speed up sales most of the time because you don’t have the power place your prospects in a position of “needing” your…

Amy Luby on the Acronis Summit 2020

I caught up with Amy as she’s running around (virtually) getting ready for the big Acronis Summit 2020. More information at . The Acronis Summit is . . . October 19-20-21 Registration is free at Amy is a long-time friend of the Channel and is now the…