HIPAA and HaaS

On March 4th’s episode of Odd Tuesdays, Karl speaks with April Sage, from Online Tech, to discuss HIPAA compliance – a topic our Odd Tuesdays audience has been asking more and more about (Follow Karl’s HIPAA Pinterest Board).

April encourages MSPs to embrace the notion of HIPAA compliance because trying to work against or get around the regulations can cause a lot of headaches. She says it is a good idea to become familiar with the Business Associates Agreement – a contract that outlines the accountabilities in the chain of trust and what the flow of responsibilities are. She notes that the Department of Human Services has a good example of what that agreement should look like (See link here).

Rayanne Buchianico joins us in her debut Oddballs segment. She discusses how to record Hardware as a Service (HaaS) in QuickBooks. She outlines four key points:

1) What to record right after you buy the equipment

2) How to set up the rental income accounts

3) How to track associated costs

4)  How to retire the item at the end of the lease term

You can find the March 4th Odd Tuesdays episode here.

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