Brian Sharp: Take Back Your Business and Turn it Around

Brian Sharp

Brian Sharp is a great motivational speaker/trainer. He runs a company that helps small business owners learn to use speaking and presenting as a means to expand their company and make sales. His company is called Go Big – As you’ll hear in this interview, Brian does not like the “pitch fest” approach to motivational training, which is very popular these days.

We did a press release recently on Brian Sharp’s appearance. See the press release here: SMB Online Conference Press Room.

Brian helps businesses understand where their business and how it can grow. Very much inline with our “IT Business Reboot” theme, Brian will be talking about How to Take Back and Turn Around Your Small Business. As you will hear on the audio, Brian is very excited to be presenting this material.

A few sites mentioned by Brian: and



The theme of this year’s SMB Online Conference is IT Business Reboot – We’ll cover a variety of topics related to re-building your business as if you were starting over today.

Here are the topics for Day Three – June 28th:

9:00 AM Karl’s Keynote (Karl W. Palachuk) / Absolute Rules of Success

10:00 AM Brian Sharp – How To Take Back & Turn Around Your Small Business

11:00 AM John Armato – Thinking Inside The Box

1:00 PM Rayanne Buchianico – Understanding Your Financials – Use Data To Make Decisions

(all times are Pacific)


For more information on the conference, visit

– Download the Interview with Brian Sharp here.

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