ERP045 – Management Superheroes w/ Aydin Mirzaee

Today we’re talking about my favorite topic. Management.

Earlier this year I found a software tool that filled a gap that I’ve struggled with for years. Both as a manager in previous roles, but also the managers that I’ve coached.

Keeping notes for meetings, one on ones, sharing deliverables and provide feedback. There are some tools that help with some of these, but it was always imperfect. Then I found Fellow. They call it a manager’s co-pilot, but I would argue it’s more than that. It uses the management practices that I advocate for and puts all of that information in a lightweight, easy to use platform.

I invited Aidan Mirzaee,(@aydin) CEO and co-founder of Fellow of the software to discuss management practices and how Fellow can help. I hope you enjoy this conversation with Aydin.

To Try for free, click here.

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