Episode 54: 3D Printing To the Rescue; Selling Today; and Telemedicine

Intro chit-chat is all about baseball and getting back to “normal.”

Topic 1: 3D Printing Comes to the Rescue

We had earlier said that 3D printing was no longer interesting. Well, now it’s interesting again! Several groups have grown up around the use of 3D masks and spare parts in response to the current virus problems. Once you start following these links, you’ll certainly find more.

Links: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/3d-printing-medical-devices/faqs-3d-printing-medical-devices-accessories-components-and-parts-during-covid-19-pandemic



Topic 2: Is it Okay to Start Selling to Clients?

(Short answer: yes.) Yes, of course – but don’t be a jerk about it. Your clients need you. And they need you now. And they will need you for the duration of the “social distancing.”

A few people are saying that it’s bad form to be marketing and selling right now. We take a different perspective: If you are selling the right thing to help clients and make their business better, then they will be grateful that you helped them in their time of need.

Related Link: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.linkedin.com_pulse_when-2Dcan-2Di-2Dstart-2Dselling-2Dagain-2Dgeoffrey-2Dmoore&d=DwIFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=wwaawyLzdk_8mPNRNnoCuz12EPsQnJMw8kElehTu348&m=YWUi-DK-VYG82DrovBLKdjiO9LCPKbKqMmYKnFz-HEs&s=1fWII21f5dVyMPARA-sReDIOtCXHDlnP7vehGSCOYJw&e=

Topic 3: Life After Pandemic – Telemedicine:

Come with us now . . . to the future. When all this hub-bub is over, how will the future world be changed by things we are doing in the middle of this unique point in history. Today we look at changes in telemedicine that we think will last forever.



and always keep an eye on . . . The Medical Futurist: https://medicalfuturist.com/category/telemedicine/

Stock mentioned (this is not an endorsement): TDOC.


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